Property Management Tips for First-Timers

If you are a first-time owner’s corporation (OC) manager who wants to learn how to manage your property effectively, you might find this blog post helpful. Managing a strata property can be challenging and rewarding. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Do your research

You should familiarise yourself with the OC rules, laws, and fees that apply to your property. These can affect your rights and responsibilities as an OC manager. For more information, you can visit the Consumer Affairs Victoria website or consult a professional strata service provider.

Hire a professional

If you don’t have the time, skills, or experience to manage your property on your own, you might want to consider hiring a professional property maintenance company like Aligned Property Services. We can take care of the cleaning, maintenance, and other maintenance services of your property, as well as handle any issues that may arise. We can also help you comply with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide you with regular reports and advice.

Communicate with your tenants

It is important to establish a good relationship with them. You should keep them informed of any changes or issues that affect their tenancy, such as repairs, inspections, or rent increases. You should also respond to their requests or complaints promptly and respectfully. Communication is key to maintaining a harmonious and long-term tenancy.

Be prepared for emergencies

No matter how well you manage your property, unexpected problems can happen at any time. You should have a contingency plan and a budget for dealing with emergencies, such as plumbing leaks, electrical faults, or fire damage. You should also have a list of reliable and qualified tradespeople who can attend to urgent repairs. In addition, you should have adequate insurance coverage for your property and your liability as an OC manager.

Keep learning and improving

Property management is not a one-time task, but an ongoing process. You should always look for ways to improve your property’s condition, value, and appeal. You should also keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the property market and the strata industry. You can do this by reading blogs, magazines, or books on property management, attending seminars or webinars, or joining online forums or groups for OC managers.

We hope these tips will help you manage your property more effectively and efficiently. If you need any assistance or advice on strata cleaning and property management services, please feel free to contact us at Aligned Property Services. We are here to help you achieve your property goals.


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