The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning for Owners Corporations

man pressure washing wall

Cleaning a large property as an owner’s corporation manager (OC) is no small feat. Whether you're managing a 200, 300, or even a 600-apartment complex, ensuring cleanliness is of utmost importance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the different aspects of cleaning for OCs, including general building cleaning services and specialist cleaning. We'll also discuss the significance of transparent tendering processes, the importance of performance clauses in contracts, and tips for retaining control within cleaning agreements to prevent a drop in service standards.

1.0 General Building Cleaning Services

When it comes to maintaining cleanliness in an Owner’s Corporation, general building cleaning services play a crucial role. These services encompass the daily cleaning tasks that keep the property clean and presentable. General building cleaning services may include:

1.1 Daily Cleaning Tasks

Daily cleaning tasks are essential to upholding cleanliness standards within the OC. These tasks typically involve:

  • Sweeping and mopping common areas such as lobbies, hallways, and elevators.

  • Emptying trash bins and ensuring proper waste disposal.

  • Dusting and wiping surfaces, including handrails and door handles.

  • Cleaning and disinfecting restrooms and communal areas.

To ensure the best results, it's essential to establish clear specifications for daily cleaning tasks. These specifications provide cleaning companies with an overall view of the scope of work required. Involving tendering cleaning companies in developing these specifications can lead to better work practices and efficient use of time on site.

1.2 COVID-19 Cleaning Protocols

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential for Owners Corporations to implement specific cleaning protocols to ensure the health and safety of residents. These protocols may include:

  • Regular disinfection of high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs and handrails.

  • Increased frequency of cleaning in high-traffic areas.

  • Providing hand sanitising stations throughout the property.

  • Following guidelines from health authorities regarding cleaning and disinfection practices.

Adhering to these protocols helps create a safe environment for residents and reduces the risk of virus transmission within the OC.

2.0 Specialist Cleaning

In addition to general building cleaning services, Owners Corporations may require specialist cleaning for specific areas or tasks. These specialised cleaning services go beyond routine tasks and often require professional expertise. Some examples of specialist cleaning services include:

2.1 External Window Cleaning

For high-rise buildings with numerous floors, external window cleaning can be a challenging task. It involves cleaning windows at heights that may require specialised equipment and trained professionals. Hiring a professional window cleaning company experienced in high-rise buildings ensures safe and effective results.

2.2 Car Park Cleans

Car parks are high-traffic areas that accumulate dirt, dust, and other debris over time. Regular car park cleans are necessary to maintain cleanliness and ensure a pleasant experience for residents and visitors. These cleans may involve sweeping, pressure washing, and removing any stains or spills.

2.3 Specialist Floor and Surface Treatments

Certain areas within a property may require specialised floor and surface treatments. This can include tasks such as:

  • Stripping and waxing floors to maintain their shine.

  • Deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery.

  • Polishing marble or other delicate surfaces.

  • Treating and removing graffiti.

Engaging professional cleaners experienced in these specialised treatments ensures the best outcomes and prolongs the lifespan of the surfaces.

3.0 Transparent Tendering Processes

When dealing with large cleaning contracts, it is essential to follow transparent tendering processes to maintain fairness and avoid conflicts of interest. The Owners Corporation Act in Victoria emphasises the importance of transparency in the appointment of contractors. To ensure transparency, it is common practice to call for three tenders for cleaning contracts or any significant contract/service agreement.

Transparent tendering processes ensure that the Owners Corporation Committee of Management, representing all lot owners, acts in accordance with legislation. While it is possible to have a preferred cleaning company, transparency is necessary to avoid any potential issues. By inviting multiple companies to provide quotes, the Owners Corporation can compare services, and pricing, and choose the most suitable option while adhering to the legal requirements.

4.0 Performance Clauses in Contracts

To protect the Owners Corporation's interests, it is crucial to include performance clauses in cleaning contracts. Performance clauses ensure that the contracted cleaning company delivers the agreed-upon level of service. If the service falls below expectations or contractual obligations, the Owners Corporation has remedies in place to address the issue.

Performance clauses should outline the specific requirements and standards expected from the cleaning company. This includes factors such as the frequency of cleaning, quality of work, response times for addressing complaints, and adherence to COVID-19 cleaning protocols. The Owners Corporation can hold the cleaning company accountable for their services by including performance clauses.

5.0 Retaining Control Within Cleaning Agreements

While cleaning companies may propose longer-term contracts, it is essential for the Owners Corporation to retain control within the agreement. This ensures that the contract remains beneficial and aligned with the OC's interests. Consider the following factors when negotiating cleaning agreements:

5.1 Contract Transfer Provisions

Include provisions within the contract that address the transfer of the cleaning contract to another company. This ensures that the contract becomes void or calls for a re-tendering process if the cleaning company decides to sell the contract to a different entity. By having control over contract transfers, the Owners Corporation can maintain the quality of service without disruptions or potential drop in standards.

5.2 Regular Contract Reviews

Schedule regular contract reviews to assess the performance of the cleaning company. These reviews allow the Owners Corporation to evaluate the quality of service, address any concerns, and discuss potential improvements. Regular contract reviews help maintain a strong relationship with the cleaning company and ensure that the OC's expectations are met.

5.3 Competitive Pricing

While the quality of service should be the primary consideration, obtaining competitive pricing is also important. Owners Corporations should compare quotes from multiple cleaning companies to ensure they receive fair pricing for the services provided. However, it is important to note that the lowest price may not always guarantee the best quality service. Balancing quality and cost is crucial for a successful cleaning agreement.


Cleaning for Owners Corporations requires careful consideration and planning. By understanding the different aspects of general building and specialist cleaning services, OCs can establish cleaning agreements that meet their specific needs. Transparent tendering processes and the inclusion of performance clauses help ensure fairness and quality in the cleaning contracts. Retaining control within the agreements enables OCs to maintain the desired level of service and prevent any potential drop in standards. With these practices in place, Owners of Corporations can enjoy a clean and well-maintained environment for their residents. If you would like to learn more, feel free to contact us. 


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